As some of you may know, I am a mother of three. So, I feel like I have had my fair share of bath time with my kids and making sure that they are clean. When I raised my kids they were in the bathe every night. It was a part of their routine each evening and helping us all stay on schedule.
We didn’t have bath night, we had bath TIME! Meaning my kids weren’t on a schedule of only getting bathed on Monday and Friday or every other day. They were in the bath every night. New moms and parents that I talk to tell me that they do not bathe their kids every night. They have a bath schedule.
I don’t understand that! Why wouldn’t you want to make sure your child is clean every day. They do poop and pee on themselves multiple times a day and if I did that I would want to be clean. In regards to older kids, they are constantly running around, getting into things and need to be cleaned nightly or daily too. My kids don’t get to just run around outside at school recess or daycare and then get to come home and get into their clean beds dirty. No! They are getting the bath and getting washed up.

I understand some have said that their doctors don’t recommend having their kids bath every night. Some people tell me it isn’t good for their skin. I know everyone has their opinion and their way of doing things, but I recommend having your kids in the bath every night. I used to use Johnson’s bedtime lotion. It was the purple colored one. It helped soothe them and get them to sleep. My children have great, smooth skin and actually NEVER had diaper rashes.
Of course do what is best for your kids and your beliefs, but hearing parents say that they only bath their children on a schedule and that schedule only consists of two or three days a week is mind blowing for me. I’ll have parents ask me how to get rid of their child’s diaper rash and I’ll of course give them a recommendation and I also say keep your child clean and give them a bath nightly.
When your baby has a diaper rash, it is important that you are keeping the area clean and dry. You cannot just use a wipe in hopes that it’ll clean the whole area. A film of residue is still left on their. That is what soap is for. To deep clean and rid of the film and dirt that is left.
So, from my experience with my three kids, bathe your kids nightly! I know some kids don’t need their hair washed every night, but have them wash their bodies. Yes, doctors are wrong at times. There are many times that I don’t agree with a doctor and do what I think is best and they turn out fine. For example, the flu shot! But, that is another topic.
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