Being a mom and living with kids can be scary at times. You always have someone or in my case THREE someones you have to look after and make sure they stay safe. You have to make sure they do not get into anything. I am not trying to pay a huge medical bill to get a bead out of someone’s nose. Which I have had to do before. It was NOT fun! It was actually a very expensive bead. Did my child learn their lesson and not stick something up their nose again? Nope! But that is what you have to deal with living with kids.

Living with kids your house NEVER, I repeat NEVER stays clean. You can spend all morning long cleaning up the kitchen, living room, etc. and then go to sit down and just look around and notice the pile of toys sitting by the stairs that your children didn’t put away after they played with it. Or maybe the cups they left on the counter from when they were so thirsty from playing with those toys that are sitting on the floor by the stairs. You just sit there exhausted from all the cleaning just to not enjoy a clean house, but to enjoy a messy house.

Living with kids is exhausting. You never get to sleep in anymore. They are always up right when the sun comes up to tell you that they are hungry or thirsty. I don’t understand how someone can just wake up and just be ready to eat. I usually don’t want to eat until lunch time. Which then brings me to my thought about living with kids and gaining weight. If they have to eat, then you have to eat. If you lived alone, you could eat when YOU were actually hungry. Might not gain so much weight.

But in the end living with kids means you get to make amazing memories with them in the house that they love to mess up. Living with kids and not getting to sleep in means that I get to have extra hugs and cuddles early in the morning. Yes I may eat an extra meal that I wouldn’t have eaten if I didn’t have kids to live with, but that just means I get to enjoy an extra hot meal and have funny, entertaining conversations. You are never alone. You always have someone to talk to or be around.
Living with kids is awesome, amazing, fun, eventful, scary, tiring, challenging, tough, BUT I wouldn’t ever trade it for anything. It isn’t supposed to be easy. I have learned so much being a mom and having children. It was the best gift given to me.