Should I Be Afraid of The Coronavirus Disease?
One of the biggest topics in the media in 2020 is the Coronovirus disease. It is something that everyone is very concerned about to the point that they are stocking up on everything to not have to leave their home if it comes down that. Do I think it is that serious, No! (but that is my opinion). I truly feel like the flu is more serious right now than the Coronavirus is. I think it is scary to most people because it is so brand new. No one has heard of it and people are only hearing the worst, which is X amount of people in this state have it and X amount are dead.
Well lets look at the statistics of how many have passed away from other illnesses this year. You don’t hear much about that in the news right now because we are so concerned on this new disease. According to the CDC, 4,000 people globally have died from Coronavirus. The CDC has stated that anywhere from 12,000-30,000 people have died globally from the flu (since Oct, 2019 to present date). Just because the media has put it out there that we need to feel a certain way doesn’t mean we have too. Just take precautions like you would with anything else.
Ways to Prevent Getting Coronavirus

Yes, take precaution! But, please don’t think the world is ending and you need to stop your life. Wash your hands (This is something that already should have been done). Cover your mouth when you cough or sneeze. If you are sick, stay home from work. If your child is sick, keep them home from school or daycare. Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth. Clean and disinfect your home and surfaces that may have been contaminated.
Again, these are steps I think should be taken already. Especially, with how bad the flu, strep throat, RSV, and the common cold have been this year. Just make sure to implement good hygiene and avoid being around people that are sick.