It is almost that time of year again where people are going to start thinking of their New Year’s Resolution goals for the next year. I know I have already started thinking of mine and how I am going to make the year 2020 my best year yet. It is important that you are prepared so when the first day is here you are prepared.
The only way to survive a goal or accomplish a goal you may set is by being prepared. You also want to make sure you are motivated and done the research on how to get this goal a success. I have compiled a list of the top 7 New Year’s resolution for this upcoming year of 2020.
New Year’s Resolution Top 7
New Year’s Resolution #1 Is Eating Healthy

One of the top goals for 2020 will be trying to eat healthier. Everyone will be looking into different diet programs (Keto, Paleo, Atkins, Whole30, low carb, etc.) that will have them be the most successful in eating healthier. I am all for someone wanting to be healthy, but truly do your research and pick the right way of eating that will be best for your body. Just because Suzy can eat Keto, doesn’t mean Debra can. They both have different bodies, immune systems, digestive tracts, allergies, etc. Takeaway is to pick your way of eating that you will be able to stick with. Just pick healthier choices. Don’t start off doing anything crazy and not manageable.
New Year’s Resolution #2 Is Weight loss

Another big goal for 2020 will be weight loss. Everyone wants to lose weight. They want to get off the pounds they gained from the holidays or gained from the year before from not sticking to their goal for the year. It will happen if you have a plan set in place. Be consistent and you can lose weight. It is all about diet and exercise (mostly diet)! You can’t go to the gym for an hour and then think you can go home and order a large pepperoni pizza and think you’ll lose weight tomorrow. Get your diet together, make a list of foods you’ll eat, and stick to your plan.
I love tracking my food with myfitnesspal
Who loves to exercise? It is one of the harder resolutions to keep. I know for me I get super busy and either forget what time it is or I just get to tired to want to go to the gym. It is time to suck it up and just go. You want to be healthy and you want to feel good, well exercising helps get the positive endorphins in your body moving. I like to workout in the mornings because then it makes your days better.

Get a gym membership and if you do I recommend paying for the year if you can afford it. A lot of people will sign up for month to month at the beginning of the year and they will be so quick to cancel them in the month of March or April because they say that it’s not in the budget. It isn’t in the budget because you were saving money by eating healthy the first couple months and now your back to your old ways eating out and don’t have the extra money for the gym membership. If you pay for the year it is already spent and you have no choice.

A great resolution for 2020 is budgeting. Everyone needs to budget. Not one person doesn’t. Everyone has bills to pay. If you budget for every month then you will know what you have extra to spend or not spend. Make 2020 your best year yet!
Stop Smoking/Drinking
Another top New Year’s resolution for 2020 will be to stop drinking or smoking. Maybe if you can cut it cold turkey, than try to wean yourself off. It will honestly save you money too!
Parenting (being more present)
This is a good resolution. To be more present for your kids. In today’s society we are so busy as parents to make sure we can make ends meet for our kids or to get them the best gifts for their birthday or Christmas. Honestly, your kids most likely just want you to be around them. My goal is to spend more time with my kids. I love them so much and they grow up so fast. Enjoy every minute you can.
Be Organized
This is huge. You really can’t accomplish some of the goals I have listed above without be organized. You can’t be on time for work every day if you’re not organized with making sure you have clothes laid out and clean for yourself or kids, lunches packed the night before or wake up earlier to pack them, etc. Being organized definitely makes your life run smoother. At least for my household it does.