Parenting Tips

Is Your Child On A Bath Schedule Every Week?

As some of you may know, I am a mother of three. So, I feel like I have had my fair share of bath time with my kids and making sure that they are clean. When I raised my kids they were in the bathe every night. It was a part of their routine each […]

Parenting Tips

What Is The Best Bedtime Routine For Kids?

What is the best bedtime routine for kids? This is one of the top questions new parents ask when they have a hard time getting their child to bed at night. You have the answer in the question. ROUTINE! Having a routine is very important. You will learn that kids do their best being on […]

Parenting Tips

Should I Keep My Kids On A Schedule/Routine?

Should I Keep My Kids On A Schedule/Routine? When it comes to having small children and being able to get through the day it can be challenging sometimes. There are days that the kids act right and you can get everything that you had planned done. Then there are days that it is the complete […]