Parenting Tips

My Baby Has A Cold, What To Do

It is that time of the year where everyone is getting sicks and the germs are spreading. Two of my three kids have been sick already with colds and coughs. I, myself, got really sick for almost 3 weeks. It was just horrible! As a parent with small kids it is always difficult to try […]

Saving Money

Old Navy Flannel Sale 2019

Today, Old Navy is running a sale on their adult flannels and children flannels. You can get an adult flannel for $9.00 today and children’s flannel are $8.00 today. Orders of $50.00 or more will get free shipping. This sale is in store or online. An adult flannel is normally $29.99. That is a savings […]

Parenting Tips

How To Battle Your Child’s Tantrum

Being a parent sometimes is tough and especially when your child throws a tantrum in public. Not everyone wants to admit that, but it is true. Every parent struggles when it comes to parenting your child/children. We are tired at times and just don’t have the energy to discipline, so sometimes it is easier to […]

Parenting Tips

5 Fun Family Activities To Do In Fall

Fall FAMILY activity time! This is my favorite season of the year. I love the cool, crisp air and I love that the leaves change colors. I love pumpkins, sweet potatoes, spices, and everything red, orange, and brown! It is also right around my birthday month as well. There are tons of fun activities do […]

Parenting Tips

How To Pick The Right Daycare

When it comes to finding the right daycare to leave your children with other than family, it can be difficult. I know when I had to find care for my children, it was one of the hardest decisions my husband and I had to make for them. I am very protective and picky when it […]

Parenting Tips

Should I Keep My Kids On A Schedule/Routine?

Should I Keep My Kids On A Schedule/Routine? When it comes to having small children and being able to get through the day it can be challenging sometimes. There are days that the kids act right and you can get everything that you had planned done. Then there are days that it is the complete […]