Local News

State of Ohio, Ohio Department of Health Stay at Home Order

State of Ohio Order to stay home
Coronavirus/ CORVID-19

As we all know, the virus COVID-19 (also known as Coronavirus) has been a huge impact on our country right now. Today, March 22, 2019, Governor Dewine has announced that starting Monday, March 23, 2019, at 11:59 p.m. a new order is going into effect. The order is stating that everyone in Ohio, that doesn’t have a job listed under the essential list will be required to stay at home until April 6th.

Essential Job List:

A nurse is an essential job during this time of COVID-19
A nurse is an essential job during this time of COVID-19
  • Health care and public health workers
  • Law enforcement, public safety, and first responders
  • Water and waste
  • Transportation
  • Public Works
  • Food and agricultural
  • Financial Services
  • Communication
  • Gas Stations
  • Religious facilities
  • Hardware and supply stores
  • Critical Trades

This is to be taken serious. There will be consequences of second demeanor if it isn’t. Now, you can still go outside and take a walk, play in your backyard, go to metro parks, etc. but you need to keep the 6 foot separation between others. You can still go get groceries, take out food, gas, or go to the doctor.

Stay at home order - You are still allowed to walk in the park
You are still allowed to walk in the park

Just remember to continue to wash your hands with soap and water for 20 seconds, keep a distance of 6 feet when around others, do not get together with people of a group size of 10 or more, post-pone events if you can, grad the essential items you’ll need, don’t over spend because you are going to need to continue to pay your bills.

For this order head on over to