How to prevent a huge spread of COVID-19 in your workplace here are some key components that are important to make sure you keep yourself and others safe at work. These are important now if you are an essential working currently working during this pandemic coronavirus and some of these when we all go back to work. You have to understand this virus isn’t going to go away. It will always be there to catch just like the flu, common cold, etc. What they are trying to do right now is to make it sustainable for the health workers to keep people healthy or help them survive this virus.

From this point forward please do the following while at work:

- Work from home if your job allows it.
- Minimize the number of workers on a site at one time.
- Be cautious of your surroundings. Did someone cough or sneeze by you?
- Apply social distancing. (6 feet apart at all times or more)
- Sanitation
- Hand washing (they ask of you to do it every 30 minutes no matter what)
- Temperature checks at the beginning of your shift every day!
- Clean surfaces
- If you are sick DON’T SHOW UP AT WORK, stay home.

Also, remember during this time to be kind to others and just continue to do your part in preventing the spread. Stay home if you don’t have an essential job. If your job isn’t practicing these measures and is staying open, REPORT them to your local health department. It is important that we take these measures now and some of them in the future when work goes back into session. The spread of this virus won’t stop if we don’t do our part.
****Also, if you have traveled to or through New York they are asking that you self-quarantine for 14 days. New York is being hit hard and it is our part as Americans to not spread it through out the rest of the United States.

Also, check out what is coronavirus disease (covid19)