We can all agree that this year’s Easter is a little different. My family and I are continuing to be safe and stay at home during this holiday. I hope everyone is doing the same. We weren’t able to attend Easter service at church this year, but we are able to watch it virtual. We weren’t able to go to the big Easter egg hunt this year that our local YMCA puts on, but we were able to have one in our backyard. We may not be able to have a big family dinner together, but we are still able to make a nice dinner.
Usually, for Easter dinner I would serve: ham, stuffing, mashed potatoes, green beans, rolls, candy yams, and sweet potato pie. That is a big much for our family of 5, so we are just going to have a country, southern dinner. I am going to serve fried chicken fingers, mashed potatoes, and green beans. Something simple and easy to make, but still different than a normal dinner I would make. If you are one of the families that normally get together during this holiday, you still can. Set up your devices on ZOOM, facebook, FACETIME, Google Hangouts, etc. to see each other. That is what is so awesome about our technology right now. We can just see each other during these hard times on many different platforms. It makes it a little easier.
The Easter bunny can still come to visit and deliver your Easter baskets and you can still have an Easter egg hunt. Make it fun for your kids. Whether you make a scavenger hunt that you can do through your house/apartment or even outside in your yard. Dye your hard boil eggs too. There is not reason to change up what you normally do for your kids on Easter. Make the day still special for them. I am not hiding my kids from the Coronavirus because they are very well aware of what it is and how serious it is, but at the end of the day they are still kids. Let them be kids and enjoy life the way we did.

If you usually attend Easter service at church, your church may have a virtual service today to watch and if they don’t then there are many other churches you can find to watch. Makes sure you still dress up in your Sunday best if that is what you wanted to do and plan to do before COVID-19 hit our country. You don’t have to change your routine or plans because of it, you just have to stay safe and stay home. As hard as it may be not to be able to go to church today, you can still worship God at home. You can worship him anywhere. Don’t change that! Today is an amazing day. Jesus as risen from the grave.