Is an in home daycare right for you? When you are a working parent and have kid you have to worry about finding the right care. That decision is not easy for most. I am a mama bear and I am very protective over my kids. I make sure they have the right care for […]
Category: Parenting Tips
Some different tips I have learned over the years on to handle certain situations with my own kids. Also, some great advice I was given over the years as well.

We can all agree that this year’s Easter is a little different. My family and I are continuing to be safe and stay at home during this holiday. I hope everyone is doing the same. We weren’t able to attend Easter service at church this year, but we are able to watch it virtual. We […]

Schools here in Ohio have been closed for almost a month now due to the Coronavirus. It has been a transition for a lot of people and we are all trying to adjust. We are all out of our normal routines and schedules that we are used to following. I love being home and teaching […]
Being A Parent Is Tough!

When I found I was pregnant for the first time I was so excited because I always wanted to be a mom. I did what every first time parent does and that is to go shopping. I made sure to get everything she needed and some things she didn’t need, but I wanted her to […]

As some of you may know, I am a mother of three. So, I feel like I have had my fair share of bath time with my kids and making sure that they are clean. When I raised my kids they were in the bathe every night. It was a part of their routine each […]

It is almost that time of year again where people are going to start thinking of their New Year’s Resolution goals for the next year. I know I have already started thinking of mine and how I am going to make the year 2020 my best year yet. It is important that you are prepared […]
My Baby Has A Cold, What To Do

It is that time of the year where everyone is getting sicks and the germs are spreading. Two of my three kids have been sick already with colds and coughs. I, myself, got really sick for almost 3 weeks. It was just horrible! As a parent with small kids it is always difficult to try […]
What Is It Like Living With Kids?

Being a mom and living with kids can be scary at times. You always have someone or in my case THREE someones you have to look after and make sure they stay safe. You have to make sure they do not get into anything. I am not trying to pay a huge medical bill to […]

What is the best bedtime routine for kids? This is one of the top questions new parents ask when they have a hard time getting their child to bed at night. You have the answer in the question. ROUTINE! Having a routine is very important. You will learn that kids do their best being on […]

Am I a bad parent because I say no to my kids? I know that is a question a lot of parents ask themselves. I know I do. Sometimes I feel guilty for saying no to my kids. To be honest, at the end of the day you are going to make the decision you […]