Local News Parenting Tips

How to Celebrate Easter Celebration During The Coronavirus

We can all agree that this year’s Easter is a little different. My family and I are continuing to be safe and stay at home during this holiday. I hope everyone is doing the same. We weren’t able to attend Easter service at church this year, but we are able to watch it virtual. We […]

Local News

Key Formula for Preventing COVID-19 in the Workplace

How to prevent a huge spread of COVID-19 in your workplace here are some key components that are important to make sure you keep yourself and others safe at work. These are important now if you are an essential working currently working during this pandemic coronavirus and some of these when we all go back […]

Local News

State of Ohio, Ohio Department of Health Stay at Home Order

As we all know, the virus COVID-19 (also known as Coronavirus) has been a huge impact on our country right now. Today, March 22, 2019, Governor Dewine has announced that starting Monday, March 23, 2019, at 11:59 p.m. a new order is going into effect. The order is stating that everyone in Ohio, that doesn’t […]

Local News

What is Coronavirus Disease (COVID 19) and How To Prevent Getting Sick With It?

Should I Be Afraid of The Coronavirus Disease? One of the biggest topics in the media in 2020 is the Coronovirus disease. It is something that everyone is very concerned about to the point that they are stocking up on everything to not have to leave their home if it comes down that. Do I […]