You may ask yourself, “How can I be prepared for Thanksgiving Dinner?” When it comes to the holidays I am always trying to stay on budget and make sure I do not over spend. That is easy to do when you have tons of family and friends coming over for dinner. I am going to give you some tips and tricks on how to be prepared and spend half the price. Thanksgiving is a fun holiday to have friends and family over to have some yummy, tasting food, but I also don’t want to spend hundreds of dollars either for one day.

Tip #1 Shop In Advance For Thanksgiving Dinner
My first tip is to shop in advance. Grocery stores are always having sales on items that you’ll need for the holiday weeks in advance. For example, this weekend at Kroger they have all their tin pans (tons of different sizes with lids) on sale for $1.00 a piece. They are normally between $3.99-$5.99 and the digital coupon you download allows you to get 5. You spend $5.00 and save $19.95.
Tip #2 Don’t Wait Last Minute To Buy The Turkey For Thanksgiving Dinner
Do not wait last minute to buy your turkey. I always like to go grab my Turkey the weekend going into the Thanksgiving because they are majority always frozen at the store and you want to make sure it is thawed in time to cook on Thanksgiving Day. The last thing you want to do is get your turkey Wednesday and think that it will be thawed and ready to cook on Thursday morning. A frozen turkey takes a lot longer to cook than a thawed turkey.
Tip #3 Set The Table The Night Before

Cook some things the night before so you don’t have to do everything the day of. I like to make my sweet potato pies, cornbread (for my dressing) and clean my collard greens. That way I don’t have to spend so much time in the kitchen and not able to spend time with my guest. Make yourself a list of everything you are cooking and mark which ones you can make the night before. Also set your table the night before as well. Then you don’t have to worry about that at all and can jut worry about making the food.