When I found I was pregnant for the first time I was so excited because I always wanted to be a mom. I did what every first time parent does and that is to go shopping. I made sure to get everything she needed and some things she didn’t need, but I wanted her to have. Actually with all three of my kids I did this. I always made sure and make sure they have everything they need and sometimes what they want.

What I didn’t know and wasn’t prepared for when becoming a parent for the first time was the sleepless nights, missing work because your child gets sick, finding the right daycare and paying for that daycare, talking back and not listening. I mean the list just goes on.
When you think about being a parent you think about all the fun things you can do with kids and buy for them because its super cute. You don’t think about all the tears you have to cry, the amount of yelling and getting upset, and money you have to put out for them.
Being a parent is tough, but it is rewarding at the same time. You get to pay a huge, ridiculous mount of money every week for your kids to have care for when your at work, but the rewarding side of that is knowing your child is safe and also the amount of fun they are having.

So just know that it is not a walk in the park everyday with kids. It may be a walk in the park for five minutes four times a day with them (that’s only 20 minutes a day), but I love them unconditionally and wouldn’t change a thing. Them making me mad is okay, now my BOSS at work making me mad is another thing.
One thing that I am learning to cope with and to be okay with, is allowing myself not to do everything for my kids. I need to let them do some things on their own. It helps build character, helps them become more responsible, and will also help them appreciate what they have.
If I always do everything for my kids, than they won’t appreciate the hard work that goes into them having clean clothes to wear to school. Yes, that may sound simple to them, but to us parents who work all day and stay up late to make sure the laundry is clean, folded and put away is hard. Now, I am not going to make my kids stay up until midnight doing laundry, but they are going to help me put their clothes away on the weekend when I get done doing their laundry.
Start making your kids accountable so your job isn’t so hard. They need a parent present that is enjoyable, present, loving, and positive to be around.
Parenting is tough, but you don’t have to make it tough. Allow your children to help out, especially if they offer to help. Don’t think or expect everything to be done on time. You’re house will not always be clean and perfect either. Sometimes you just need to let it be and just get to it later. This year I am allowing myself to have more me time. I am not going to stress over the little things that don’t need to be stressed over. I want to be more present for my kids and be in a better mind frame when I am around them.