Parenting Tips

How To Battle Your Child’s Tantrum

How to deal with a child's tantrum
How to deal with a child’s tantrum

Being a parent sometimes is tough and especially when your child throws a tantrum in public. Not everyone wants to admit that, but it is true. Every parent struggles when it comes to parenting your child/children. We are tired at times and just don’t have the energy to discipline, so sometimes it is easier to just give in. At the end of the day, it is important to be the best parent that you can be to your child/children.

I feel like my husband and I have done a good job parenting our three children. Are we perfect at it? NO! I will be the first to admit that. You want to see your child/children succeed in life and just be happy. So, sometimes it is just easier to say yes in certain situations, but you also have to ask yourself, “If I say yes, am I setting my child up for success?”

Battle of The Tantrum

Over the years I have had my fair share of tantrums to parent through with my kids. Whether it be them not getting what they want at the store, not wanting to leave daycare and go home, not being able to finish an activity, etc. What I have learned through all of them is that when YOU say it is time to go or YOU say we are not getting that toy today, YOU have to stick with that answer. It is when you say no and then turn around and give in and say yes because they are having a meltdown in public. When you do that they will do that every time to get their way. Kids are smart. They know if they do something to upset you, they will always do that to get their way.

So, stick to your answer and get through the battle of the tantrum. I promise the tantrum will last less and less time each time you stand up to your child. When they do listen to you or don’t throw a tantrum, PRAISE THEM! Tell them you appreciate them for being so amazing and listening to you. You don’t always have to buy something or give a child a piece of candy to reward them for being good. Praising them works well too! Don’t you like being told at work, home, etc. that you are doing an awesome job? Kids like to hear that too. It builds self-esteem.

tantrum - Difficult roads lead to beautiful destinations
Difficult roads lead to beautiful destinations

“There is no one perfect way to be a good mother. Each situation is unique. Each mother has different challenges and different skills and abilities and certainly different children. What matters is that a mother loves her children deeply.”

– Elder M. Russel Ballard

Should Your Child’s Life Be Better Than Yours?

I know a lot of parents want to make sure that their kids have a better life than you had or have more than you have. To be honest, they don’t need more. They need to have their parent or parents in their lives. They need to be shown love, support, and life. Money doesn’t make a child better or not have a tantrum. Money doesn’t bring happiness, providing love and support and being active in your child’s life brings happiness.

When your child is trying to talk to you, don’t ignore them. Listen to them. If your child is asking for help, help them or guide them in the right direction. When your child wants something and they can’t have it, don’t give in because they want to throw a tantrum. Teach them that they can’t always get their way. That we as parents know what is right and wrong for them. You have to remember you are their parent, not their friend. A lot of parents want to be cool and be their child’s friend, but you actually need to be the opposite. You need to be their parent and they need to treat you and respect you as a parent.

Yes we do fun things with our kids because we like to see them happy, but they are also told no and are disciplined when they do something they shouldn’t or say something they shouldn’t. I promise this makes your life much easier when you go into public, go to an event, or even just putting your kids to bed. Battles won’t be battles anymore, they will be victories.

“Don’t raise your kids to have more than you had, raise them to be more than you were!”


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