Labor and Delivery time! When it is time to have your little bundle of joy you want to make sure you have your overnight bag packed and ready to go a couple weeks in advance of your due date. I personally had it happen one time that I didn’t have my bag ready because I went into labor three and half weeks early . I do believe there are only a few items you truly need to have with you because for the most part the hospital provides a lot during your stay. You are also being billed for those items so why not use what they provide and keep you supplies for at home.
Going into labor and having a baby is stressful and overwhelming so being prepared with your overnight bag is one less thing you have to worry about when your baby arrives. I would also recommend having it in the trunk of your car so you also don’t have to worry about forgetting it at home or misplacing it. When its time to go the hospital its time to go. You don’t want to have to worry about where you put your bag at.
1. Labor and Delivery Blanket Of Your Choice
The blanket you get in the hospital is so thin and isn’t warm at all. I literally have to ask for about 3 blankets just to stay warm. The hospitals are cold. Bring your comfy, soft, warm blanket with you. Now you don’t want to bring a huge comforter that is now in the way and over taking the bed. Just bring something big enough to cover you and keep you warmer than the hospital blanket.
2. Nightgown and Robe

I would bring pajamas and a robe. You don’t want to wear hospital wear the whole time you are there. They aren’t comfortable when you sit and the backside is open. So to stay comfortable bring your own pajamas. If you plan to breastfeed while at the hospital make sure you get a pajama set that is for breastfeeding mothers. It is also nice to bring a robe so if you want to get up and walk around the halls or go see the nursery you can be covered up. I wouldn’t recommend bringing your own underwear because what they provide will work great.
They also have socks with grippers on the bottom that I would use because you don’t want to bring slippers from home and walk around the dirty hospital and then go home with them and wear them at home and bring the germs. Now if you are buying a pair of slippers that is for the hospital only than bring those and throw them away before coming home. Just bring your outfit you want to go home in, otherwise you’ll stay in your robe and pajamas during your stay.
3. Infant Outfit

You will of course want to pack 2-3 outfits for your newborn. Always have the one that you are going to bring him/her home in and then a couple to have while at the hospital in case they have a blow out or throw up. I also recommend gloves because they will be cold and it’ll help keep their little hand warm. They also help so they don’t scratch themselves. Socks are also a must because it will also keep them warm.
4. Shower Items
You will want a pair sandals for showering. Yes I am sure they clean the showers in the hospital, but on the safe side. Also will help prevent you from slipping and falling. Make sure your partner brings a pair to so they can help you in the shower if needed and they are going to want to also shower since they are staying in the hospital with you as well. Also, bring your toothbrush, toothpaste, shampoo and conditioner, and deodorant. You will want to shower after laboring all day and will want to feel fresh and clean.
5. Nursing Bra and Nursing Pads
If you plan to nurse, you will want to bring a nursing bra and pad. You will leak and the pads will help prevent that. I don’t remember the hospital providing those for me. They did give me a sample of cream to use because you will get chap and your nipples will crack and bleed. So if you want to be on the safe side make sure to also bring cream for breastfeeding. It helps out tremendously if you have it with you.
6. Phone Charger

7. Driver’s License and All Important Paperwork
You will want to make sure to have all the important paperwork you are going to need when you go into labor and for your stay at the hospital. Driver’s license, insurance card, social security card, etc. You may also want to bring a list of phone numbers you will want to call to let everyone know about your delivery. You may have to have someone other than yourself and spouse calling for you because you will be busy with your new bundle of joy!
Labor and Delivery Items You Don’t Need To Bring
- Diapers (they provide)
- Wipes (they provide unscented wipes)
- Swaddle Blankets (that way you don’t bring home germs)
- Pads (for yourself) (they provide the ones you need)
- Food (unless you like to snack all day)
- Boppy Pillow (you don’t want it to carry germs home)