What Do I Need to Know?
Being new to couponing can be a bit overwhelming. I know the first time I went to the store to coupon I was so nervous to check out. I didn’t know if I was pairing up the right coupon with the right item or if I got everything I was supposed to get. It does take time to get the concept and to finally understand how to use the coupon and how to put certain items together to get the best deal. I am going to start off by explaining the basics of a couponing.
There are two kinds of coupons: manufacturer coupons and store coupons. A manufacturer coupon is a coupon that can be used at most stores on a certain item. It will state what size the product needs to be, how much it is worth, and for how many (example: Suave body wash 20oz bottle $2 off 2 bottles). A store coupon can only be used at the specific store.
How Do I Use A Coupon?
A coupon can only be used once and you will want to give the coupon to the cashier and the time of purchase. You will want to make sure that the coupon description matches up to the item you are wanting to purchase. A lot of new couponers make the mistake of not reading the coupon all the way and buying an item incorrectly. Even though a coupon scans doesn’t make it right if you are buying the wrong item. Once the cashier scans the coupon, you will see the price deduct from your total. (Also, any “store sales” will deduct as well).
A coupon can only be used once per one item. It is important to not stack two manufacturer coupons for one item. You are allowed to stack a store coupon and a manufacturer coupon together one item (if that scenario comes to play).
Can I Copy A Coupon?
The answer to this question is No! You can’t not make a copy of a coupon. That is illegal. There are many sites you can go that you are able to print coupons. You can also buy coupons with the Sunday paper or buy signing up for the store’s mailing list can also get you coupons sent to you in the mail. Kroger and Meijer have both sent me coupons in the mail to my house for signing up for the mailing list. Of course also seeing if the store has online digital coupons; which most major grocery stores do have an online digital coupon program.
A great website to go to get coupons to print is coupons.com
With printing coupons online you can only print a coupon two times from one printing device. So if you have two computers at home you can print a coupon two times from each device.
Organize Your Coupons
You will want to make sure you organize your coupons before you head to the store. I use a binder with baseball plastic sleeves. I organize my coupons by categories (Health/Beauty, Cleaning Supplies, Freezer Foods, Pantry Foods, etc). There are many techniques that you can use to stay organize. Some couponers will file their coupons away by the actual insert. They do not clip their coupon until they actually go to the store to use it. It does take a lot of time to clip (cut) your coupons out. Especially if you buy 10 Sunday papers and have three inserts in each paper. That is thirty inserts you are going to be clipping coupons out of.
Make Sure You Know Your Store’s Coupon Policy
The most important thing to do before you go to the store is make sure you know your store’s policy. A lot of stores have different coupon policies. They do change as well, so you always want to make sure that you ask your store’s manager for a copy of their policy to see if anything has changed.
Find out if your store has a loyalty program you can sign up for so you can get more savings. For example, Kroger has a loyalty program that is free to sign up with and you have to do is scan your card at check out and all the savings come off. Kroger may have their tide detergent on Kroger sale for $6.99, regular price $8.99. You have a coupon for $2.00 off, which would make it $4.99 for one tide. So, with signing up for their loyalty program and using a coupon, you will save $4.00.
That is a great savings!!! Continue to follow my page to find out the latest deals and find out more of the basics of couponing.