Should I Keep My Kids On A Schedule/Routine? When it comes to having small children and being able to get through the day it can be challenging sometimes. There are days that the kids act right and you can get everything that you had planned done. Then there are days that it is the complete opposite and it is so hard to just get a few groceries from the store. I have learned some tips and tricks over the years with my own kids. With having three kids it was a challenge sometimes going to the store or running an errand.

Come Up With A Schedule
What I have learned over the past eight years is that you have to stay on routine/schedule with your children. I repeat! you need to have a schedule/routine that you follow. If you don’t come up with a schedule/routine with your kids, then they will act out because they’re tired or hungry. There have been times where we have been at a family cookout and we have left early because it was important that we got home on time to get the kids bathed and in bed on time. It not only makes that evening run smooth, but also the next day.
Our kids have gone off schedule before because it is a Friday or Saturday night and they want to have sleep over or want to stay up late to watch a movie. The next day is no fun. They are tired and cranky because they didn’t get the amount of sleep that they normally get to be able to function. It goes the same for eating. Our kids can’t eat a whole lot of junk at a birthday party, family cookout, etc. because they’re not use to it. So we let them try a little bit of different things at a party or cookout, but not a whole portion. We do this because that evening or the next day they will get a stomach ache and get sick. They aren’t used to eating those kind of foods you find at cookouts and parties on a regular basis.
Don’t feel afraid or feel like you’ll disappoint someone if you tell them you can’t attend a party or you can’t stay late because you have to keep your kids on a schedule/routine. At the end of the day you are in charge of your kids and you are there to keep them on task. It makes the days run smoother this way and makes going places a lot easier and more fun.

Always Keep A Snack On Hand
It is also important to keep snacks with you. You don’t want to always spend time in a drive thru getting your kids something to eat. Plus it can get way expensive over the course of time if you stop and get food every time you are out. I always like to keep goldfish, pretzels, or crackers in my purse or in the car. Something that will help them not feel hungry. It is always a good idea to keep snacks and bottle water in your car anyways in case of an emergency.

Keep An Extra Bag With You
It is really important to make sure to keep extra clothes for those unplanned accidents. I even keep puppy pads in the back of my car for spills or if you plan on having a snack in the car. It is always important to be prepared. Keep extra wipes and diapers in your car as well. Just in case you do forget to grab your baby bag on the way out of the house. These are the things I keep in a bag in my car and recommend to keep:
- Extra clothes
- Wipes
- Snacks
- Water bottles
- Diapers
- Pacifier
- Formula (put formula powder in a couple bottles- add water later)
- Tylenol
“Most important thing in the world is family and love.”
– John Wooden